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There is little accurate record of the desperate fighting which occurred in this wild region but it is known that the original Yunnan force was nearly annihilated, and that of the remnant numbers perished from disease and exposure. It was evident from the beginning that pride prevented Yuan Shih-kai from retreating from the false position he had taken up. Under his instructions the State Department sent a stream of powerful telegraphic messages to Yunnan attempting to dissuade the Republican leaders from revolt.

Ten years ago I wrote an article in the Hsin Mim Tsung Pao remarking that Diaz was a matchless fraud. I said then that a nation-wide calamity would befall Mexico after his death and that the Mexican nation would be reduced to a mere shadow. (My friend Mr. Tang Chio-tun also wrote eharmony com an article, before the internal strife in Mexico broke out, on the same subject and in an even more comprehensive way). Luckily for Diaz he ruled under the mask of republicanism, for only by so doing did he manage to usurp and keep the presidential chair for thirty years.

For instance, if you do not take things seriously and just seek a person for casual meetings, and your interlocutor is looking for a future spouse, then being direct will prevent you from wasting time. I am never married atheist caucasian man without kids from Longueuil, Quebec, Canada. I am widowed spiritual but not religious caucasian woman with kids from Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. I am separated spiritual but not religious native american man with kids from Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada.

There is absolutely no dispute about this fact either — namely that the main pre-occupation of a consular officer, charged primarily under the Treaties with the simple preservation of law and order among his nationals, was the closing-up of a vexatious outstanding case, by force if necessary, before he handed over his office to his successor. It was with this idea that an ultimatum was drawn up by the French Consul General and, having been weakly approved by the French Legation, was handed to the Chinese local authorities. But though the incident was thus nominally closed, and amicable relations restored, the most important point — the question of Japanese police-rights in Southern Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia — was left precisely where it had been before, the most vigorous Chinese protests not having induced Japan to abate in the slightest her pretensions.

Between the two evils, We have adopted the lesser one. Such is the motive of the Throne in modelling its policy in accordance with the progress of time, the change of circumstances, and the earnest desires of Our People. Our Ministers and subjects both in and out of the Metropolis should, in conformity with Our idea, consider most carefully the public weal and should not cause the country and the people to suffer from the evil consequences of a stubborn pride and of prejudiced opinions.

Properly speaking Yuan Shih-kai was never an army-officer; he was a military official — his highest rank later on being that of military judge, or better, Judicial Commissioner. Now in many provinces where settlement is age-old, the regionalism which results from great distances and bad communications has been greatly increased by race-admixture. Canton province, which was largely settled by Chinese adventurers sailing down the coast from the Yangtsze and intermarrying with Annamese and the older autochthonous races, has a population-mass possessing very distinct characteristics, which sharply conflict with Northern traits. Fuhkien province is not only as diversified but speaks a dialect which is virtually a foreign language. And so on North and West of the Yangtsze it is the same story, temperamental differences of the highest political importance being everywhere in evidence and leading to perpetual bickerings and jealousies. Money alone formed the bond of union; so long as questions of taxation were not involved, Peking was as far removed from daily life as the planet Mars.

Another Edict was therefore prepared simply dismissing Yuan Shih-kai from office and ordering him to return to his native place. It took him a certain period to weather the storm which the utter collapse of China in her armed encounter with Japan brought about — and particularly to obtain forgiveness for evacuating Seoul without orders. Technically his offence was punishable by death — the old Chinese code being most stringent in such matters. But by 1896 he was back in favour again, and through the influence of his patron Li Hung Chang, he was at length appointed in command of the Hsiaochan camp near Tientsin, where he was promoted and given the task of reforming a division of old-style troops and making them as efficient as Japanese soldiery.

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Warned on every side to beware, Yuan Shih-kai left the Palace as soon as he had read the Edict of dismissal in the Grand Council and drove straight to the railway-station, whence he entrained for Tientsin, dressed as a simple citizen. Rooms had been taken for him at a European hotel, the British Consulate approached for protection, when another train brought down his eldest son bearing a message direct from the Grand Council Chamber, absolutely guaranteeing the safety of his life. Accordingly he duly returned to his native place in Honan province, and for two years — until the outbreak of the Revolution — devoted himself sedulously to the development of the large estate he had acquired with the fruits of office.

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